29 de março de 2013

Constance Demby: "Faces of the Christ"

Ouça preferencialmente com fones de ouvido, tentando se desligar de tudo nos 15 minutos de duração da música. Foque apenas no som.

"Music is a realm of consciousness the listener enters by traveling on a beam of sound. The more authentically the composer is connected to Source when they open up to receive the music, the purer the tones, and the more potent the effect upon the listener. Essentially, one goes as far and as deep as the composer went when receiving the music." - Constance Demby

Constance Demby is a classically trained artist performing since the age of 12. 

The mid-eighties brought changes in recording technology with the advent of digitally sampled sounds; Demby embraced this electronic revolution to compose contemporary classical space music using a full range of symphonic instruments, pipe organ, and choral voices. Tapping into her spiritual guidance, she brought through Novus Magnificat -Through the Stargate, the album that many call the most important New Age recording of all time. This album, released in 1986, was one of the first releases on the Hearts of Space record label, and the one that received the most honors and comparisons to Classical Composers.
Since that time, Demby's primary instrument has become the symphony orchestra. The Kurzweil digital samplers, with their advanced technology and ability to portray all the colors of the orchestra, have become her keyboards of choice.
"Faces of the Christ" is from her album with the same title.

2 comentários:

Lucia disse...

Obrigada por esse oferecimento.
Linda e relaxante música para o dia de hoje.
Ouvi duas vezes. Trinta minutos de paz e conexão com o espiritual.
Que neste dia todos tenham paz e se lembrem do significado da sexta-feira da Paixão.

Anônimo disse...

Resolvi lhe escrever para, primeiro, desejar que as bençãos indeléveis do Cristo sejam depositadas no seio de sua família. Muita Paz!

Segundo, para lhe agradecer por se lembrar da magnífica música, da também pujante musicista Constance Demby. Tenho algumas músicas dela. É incrível como alguém tem o poder de "ouvir" das ondas do espectro astral, tantas e tantas, doces e belíssimas melodias.

Obrigado pelo conforto que trouxe até meu cansado e decepcionado coração.

Tudo de bom pra vocês! Deus os abençoe, agora e todo o sempre!
